Sunday, November 27, 2011

church is booked!

I will officially be married on September 7, 2013
in this beautiful church...
We will be married on our 7 year anniversary.

This church holds a lot of sentimental value as my parents got married here and so did my grandparents.
It feels amazing to keep the tradition going, I hope that if I have a daughter, she chooses to get married here as well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

burnt brows

I went to my usual beauty therapist the other day to get my eyebrows waxed.
I get my brows done roughly every 3 weeks, as my eyebrow hair grows like mad.

When the woman put the wax on my eyebrows I thought 'Wow, this wax is hot. Should be nice and effective!'
Then she proceeded to wax each eyebrow FOUR TIMES.
I know beauty therapists are not miracle workers, and yes I have stubborn hair.
I understand the need to go over them a second time but come on, FOUR TIMES?!
By the time I left (and after she put on the apparent 'soothing cream') my eyebrows weren't just stinging, they were burning.

I stopped in at McDonalds to grab a drink and my brows hurt so bad that I asked the girl serving me for some ice to put on them and she commented on how sore they looked, and that it looked as thought my skin had been taken off.
One of her co-workers also commented on how sore they looked.

I went to have a look in the mirror after these comments and this is what I discovered;

I went back to my beauty therapist to show her what happened and to ask if there was anything I could put on them as the burning was unbearable.
The silly woman put on more 'soothing cream' that you usually get after a wax.

Then she put on some kind of Dermalogica soothing cream and gave me some sachets to use at home in case it started burning again.
It didn't work.

She was quite apologetic and even refunded my money but her main excuse was 'Sometimes this just happens.' which really annoyed me.

I have been getting my eyebrows waxed since I was 14.
I've been to numerous beauty therapists that have used all kinds of waxes on me.
I have even been going to this exact same beauty salon for about 2 years.

I was also told they would heal really quick.
It is impossible to put make up on my brow area as it burns,
my face wash dripped on to my brows while I was in the shower and it burnt,
letting water touch them burns.

What if I had been getting married in the next couple of days?
Or even just had an event?
They are currently healing, and by healing I mean scabbing.
I look like I have leprosy of the eyebrows! lol

[I'd just like to point out that the white stuff on my eyebrows are bits of napkin that flaked off as I had covered a napkin in ice to soothe my eyebrows]

I'd also like to point out that while I was resizing these photos, and cutting out my face that I noticed a lot, and I mean A LOT of stray hairs all around my eyebrows that were not removed even after being waxed four times on each brow, and being gone over with the tweezers.
I attempted to pluck these stray hairs just to see if it was impossible to get them but it was easy.
Safe to say I'm not happy with this overall experience and will not be going back.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything similar?
I'd love to hear your horror stories!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

bridal shoe lust list

I cannot decide whether I want to go with classic white heels for my wedding or a pop of colour.
Nonetheless, here are some shoes I'm lusting over for my wedding.


Friday, November 11, 2011

an ode to the fallen

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

I sincerely hope that everyone is participating in the minutes silence at 11am.

lest we forget

Saturday, November 5, 2011

my week in iphone photos.

I think I'm gonna do a post like this weekly from now on. I take so many pictures, it would be nice to share them instead of letting them just sit on my phone.
These aren't my entire weeks worth of photos, just the ones I've already uplaoded to the computer.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

remembering loved ones at your wedding

I've been doing some thinking about my wedding.

I want to do something to commemorate the loved ones that have passed away.
I've been looking at vogue forums and various wedding sites for ideas but they don't really appeal to me.

The two most common things seem to be; Lighting a candle and setting a place at dinner for the people who are no longer alive.
I like the first idea but, no offence to anyone who has done the second one but that is just really not my style.

I was thinking we could make a toast and then ask everyone to join us on the dancefloor for a song that is very special to me, sort of a dedication dance I suppose.

I've already decided on the song.
It will be Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and the Papas.

It's one of my favourite songs of all time and it holds a lot of meaning in relation to when my grandfather died.
If you haven't heard it, I definitely reccomend watching it below.
It's worth the 3 minutes out of your day.

Has anyone ever heard of this being done before? What do you think of the idea?