Friday, June 25, 2010


I am incredibly sorry that I haven't blogged in a few days. I have had the craziest week. Not the good kind of crazy either. I'm not going to go in to too much detail but a few very personal things happened this week and I'm also really sick.

I have still been reading everyones posts and commenting on a few.
I'm going to ditch the 30 day thing I was doing aswell. I was finding myself only blogging about what the list entailed and often I didn't even really want to blog about those particular things. So I am giving myself free reign again.

What I have been doing this week;
-Dealing with my personal issues
-Watching a lot of movies
-Trying to get in to a doctor[can't get in until the 21st of July]
-I have basically been a hermit, I haven't been able to face the world this week
-Watched 3 seasons of Keeping Up With The Kardashians
-Buying a lot of stuff online
-Feeling sorry for myself
-Looking in to some study courses

I have some ideas for future posts, but I will do those on the weekend probably.

I thought that for now, I'd just share some photos that I really like.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

The lovely Jennifer at Legally Blonde gave me this award. =)

-Share 5 random facts about yourself
-Tag 5 bloggers
5 Random Facts

1. I love Guitar Hero
2. I have a strange tendancy to clean and organise absolutely everything

3. I love Paris

4. I have insomnia
5. I have a thing for teacups

The five blogs I tag:
2. Sophia
3. Louise
4. Julie
5. Ayden

Apologies if you've already been tagged for this award :)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Photograph Challenge Day 01

This was actually super hard as almost all my photos from the last 10 years are on my parents computer at their house, and now I just use my boyfriends laptop that he already had when I moved in with him. It doesn't have a lot of memory left so I haven't bothered transferring the pictures from my parents computer either. I need an external hard drive or something, but I don't know a lot about that stuff.

Anyways, so this is one of the only photographs I can find of myself, with no one else in the picture because I'm not huge on(or good at) taking photos of myself.
This picture is from the roadtrip back from seeing Lady Gaga in March. I'm not sure why, but I really like this picture. It just reminds me of how much fun the whole weekend was and the people I got to share it with. It was honestly the best 48 hours of my life.


Day04: Favourite book

This one is such a hard one as I am a total bookworm and I have so so many favourite books. I actually had to go sit in front of my bookshelf and try to come to a conclusion on my favourites. I decided that these are my top 3. They are all Stephen King books, because he is my favourite author.

The Shining by Stephen King
If you don't know what this is about it's basically about a man, his wife and their son who go to a hotel during the winter to do maintenance. They are isolated for months because of the heavy snow. The son has a gift and the man goes crazy. It is an absolutely fantastic read and if you have seen the Jack Nicholson movie version, the movie has NOTHING on the book. I cannot even begin to list how many things the movie left out. Stephen King himself hated the movie so much that he made a mini series of The Shining which includes a lot more of the important things but just isn't very good in my opinion.

Misery by Stephen King
This book is about an author who gets in a car crash and a crazed fan rescues him and holds him hostage at her house in a remote area. Once again, there has been a movie made based on this book which I really enjoyed. It's very rare that I like the movie after reading the book it's based on but this(and Harry Potter) is the exception.

Carrie by Stephen King
This book is about a teenage girl who is telekenetic, and very sheltered from the facts of life due to her overly religious mother. I'm sure everybody has heard the saying 'More blood than Carrie at the prom' or something along those lines, lol. The movie of this book is absolutely TERRIBLE. The book is quite short and really a good, if not disturbing read. But disturbing is something Stephen King does very well.

So these are my favourite books by my favourite author. I really do have a lot more favourites but I didn't want to make this post too long. I also apologise for my terrible skills at explaining what books are about.

I hope everyone is having a great week


30 Day Photograph Challenge

I saw this on Krissy's blog and decided it would be a bit of fun to to, so I am going to do it on top of my regular blogging. I am doing another 30 day post thing so this means I will be posting at least twice a day so I hope nobody gets sick of me =)

Day 01 - A picture of yourself

Day 02 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 03 - A picture of what you did today
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture of your morning
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - A picture that makes you cry
Day 08 - A picture of yourself
Day 09 - A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do
Day 11 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 13 - A picture of your friends
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite teacher(s)
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Day 16 - A picture of your dream cell phone
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 21 - A picture that makes you think of your loved one
Day 22 - A picture of yourself
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life
Day 24 - A picture of what you did today
Day 25 - A picture that you edited
Day 26 - A picture that makes you angry
Day 27 - A picture of you more than 10 years age
Day 28 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 29 - A picture of yourself
Day 30 - A picture of you and your best friend


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day03: Favourite tv programme.

I am a movie &tv show fanatic. I own almost 500 dvds and I have a one terabyte hard drive that is nearly full with movies and tv shows. At first I thought I could pick just one tv show or maybe 2 but after thinking, I have realised I can only narrow it down to 5. Here they are...
Grey's Anatomy
I never watched this when it first aired on tv. I borrowed the first season off a friend about a year later and I fell in love. I own all the seasons and am very sad that George and Izzy are no longer in it. This show is perfection. I've never liked medical shows much, Grey's Anatomy is the exception.
Favourite charcter; Miranda Bailey
Law & Order SVU
The best crime drama I have ever seen in my life. I am absolutely obsessed with this show and I watch the seasons again & again. I know who the bad guy is within the first 30 seconds of every episode, and there are over 200 episodes. You're probably thinking I need a life right about now? And you are probably right lol
Favourite character; Odafin Tutuola!
Summer Heights High
I'm not sure that this gets aured anywhere other than Australia or if any of you bloggers not from Aus have heard of it? I LOVE IT! It was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen in my life. I even went and bought a shirt that says 'I love your bins, they're so random' ahahaha. I'm highly depressed that there is only one season. My lovely boyfriend randomly surprised me and bought this home for me some time last year. I love those gifts you get for absolutely no reason.
Favourite character; Ja'mie
Kath & Kim.
So so SO Australian. This is one of the funniest Australian shows I've ever seen. I'm actually not a big fan of 99% of Australian moves and tv shows. They just generally suck. But this is absolutely amazing. If you haven't seen the real version of this and have only seen the American version, DO NOT JUDGE. I watched the American version and it is fucking awful. It is nothing like the real Kath&Kim show.
Favourite character; Kim
The Mighty Boosh
I love absolutely everything about this show. There aren't even words. I just freaking love it. I am dyinggg for Boosh to come to Australia so I can go see them.
Favourite character; The Moon or Old Gregg

What are your thoughts on my favourites?

Monday, June 14, 2010


For a very long time now I have been reading many blog posts by you lovely ladies showing off your gorgeous nails. And I am green with envy. I have always wanted long beautiful nails but up until about a year ago I was a compulsive nail biter. They have been unbelievably brittle since I stopped, and I have used a lot of different products to try and strengthen them but have not had much luck. Ever since I got acrylic nails around Christmas they have been especially bad, and my cuticles have gotten out of control.

So I would like advice on what products I can use to make my cuticles look decent and to make my nails strong.

I also have another issue that stems from getting my fake nails done a few months ago. When the man was buffing my nails and my cuticles he buffed the skin below my nails on every single finger(It was AGONY) and since then I have had this weird dry, sort of flaky skin right underneath my cuticles on each finger. Have you ever had this? If so I beg you to help me get rid of it!

Day02: Favourite Movie

I recently did a post on some of my favourite movies so this will just be a very short and very quick recap post.
V For Vendetta
Nightmare Before Christmas
Sex and the City

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day01: Favourite Song

A while ago I did a post asking for suggestions on what to blog about and someone suggested I do the 30 day thing. If you don't know what that is, it is basically a list that covers 30 days and each day is a topic to blog about. As you can tell from the title day 1 is favourite song.

Like a lot of people I don't have just one favourite song, so I am going to list a few:
- Dance in the Dark by Lady Gaga
- Speechless by Lady Gaga
- Semi Precious Weapons(Diamond in it) by Semi Precious Weapons
- Black or White by Michael Jackson
- The Minstrel's Prayer by Cartel
- Sweet Talk 101 by Cute is What We Aim For
- Crash and Burn by Savage Garden
- Hazel Eyes by The Darkness
- It's all Coming Back to me Now by Celine Dion
- Speeding Cars by Imogen Heap
- 99 Problems by Jay-Z
- What's the Dillio by Mest
- It's Time to Dance by Panic! at the Disco
- Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright(I know Jeff Buckley does the original but this is my favourite version)
- Creator by Santogold
- Burn by Throwdown

...Well that ended up being more than just a few but there you go.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

go ask alice

I bought this book yesterday and today I layed in front of the heater all day and read it from start to finish.

Quick recap;
This is not a new book. It was published in about 1971 I believe.

It's the story of an anonymous teenager who lived in the 60's and had her first experience with drugs when her drink was spiked at 15. She went on to experiment with a lot of drugs, becoming addicted, homeless, running away from home, ending up in a mental instituion, becoming clean, being framed as a dealer and a lot more.

The whole book is just a collection of journal entries, with chunks of time missing and many undated entries, but the book is great. If you haven't read it, I would suggest it. I'd like to tell you more about the book but I don't want to spoil the ending. Even though the blurb on the back of the book spoils it for you.

I am going to re-read all the Harry Potter books next. Should be fun. I haven't read the first book since I was like 12.

Have you read any good books lately?

Monday, June 7, 2010

fotd by revlon make up artist

On Friday I got my make up done for free by a Revlon make up artist. He was so sweet and nice and gave me some amazing tips. This is his end result

I'm really happy with how natural it looks. I always feel cakey when I do my own make-up and I've always been a fan of the dewey/shiny look but can never pull it off without looking greasy/oily. But I love how glowly my skin looks.

He didn't really do anything fancy, just your basic primer, concealer, foundation, blush, eyeshadow, mascara.

My blemishes didn't get covered which I didn't like and my dark under eye circles were incredibly visible which I loathe. Even if I'm having a make-up free day I always, always, ALWAYS wear eye brightener.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. He was doing make up for free all day, so I didn't expect anything majorly amazing, but I was pretty happy with the outcome.

The make up artist gave me one of those sheets of paper with a drawing of a face on it and he drew on it and wrote exactly what he did and what he used, which was lovely.

Do you lovely ladies have any tips on how I can look dewy but not oily?
I use Revlon Photoready foundation at the moment, and as most of you know, it's famous for being just a bit too shiny lol and when I set with my powder it takes away all shine.

moisturiser reccomendation?

Can anyone reccomend an amaziiing moisturiser? Mine is running out and I really want to try something new. My skin is normal, not oily/combo, dry or sensitive. Price isn't an issue, I just don't wanna pay a heap of money for something that isn't very good, so I need opinions.
Please help me

EDIT: Thank you to the beautiful Anastasia-Evangaline for making me realise that I forgot to mention I'm after face moisturiser reccomendations :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

some of my favourite movies

I thought I'd just do a little post on some of my all-time favourite movies. This is in no way a complete list of my favourites just the first few I could think of. They are in no particular order and I promise not to give away any spoilers in case you haven't seen some of these =)

"Remember, remember the fifth of December.
The gunpowder, treason and plot.
I know of no reason why
the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot"
This is honestly one of the most amazing, beautiful movies I have ever seen in my life. It's a long movie, almost 3 hours I think? But I don't even notice when I watch it.


Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder, Brittany Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg.

It's about a woman who goes to a psychiatric hospital after attempting suicide. The movie does a great job of illistrating how differently people in psych hospitals were treated back in the 60's. It's a very sad, gripping movie. It is based on writer Susanna Kaysen's 18 month stay at a mental hospital in the 60's when she was just 18.


Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder

An absolute classic by the amazing Tim Burton. This is about two people who die and have to haunt their old house. They suck at haunting so they enlist the help of Beetlejuice


Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz

This is based on the the true story of George Jung, who is basically responsible for introducing coccaine into the USA.

I'm not usually into these kinds of movies but this is amazing. And surprisingly sad.

This has got to be in my top 3 movies. Words cannot even come close to describing how much I love this movie.

It's about Jack Skellington, of Halloween land who feels he needs a change, so he decides to take care of Christmas for Santa Claus. =)

Brad Pitt, Edward Norton

My boyfriend conned me in to watching this once and I could not tear my eyes away. I had to watch it a second time to fully understand it, because it's quite complex(I think it is, anyway). I'm not even going to try to explain this. Just watch it! The end is so amazing and unexpected!


Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci

Another Tim Burton movie. In case you couldn't tell he is my all time favourite director/writer.

This movie surrounds the headless horseman, and it is so, so, SO GOOD. It's creepy and scary and awesome.


Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace

Ohh Liam Neeson makes me melt. So sexy. I absolutely adore this movie. It's the story of a man who goes after his daughter after she has been taken in France. So much action and violence. Liam Neeson plays the role perfectly.

And there you have it, just a few of my favourite movies. Sorry for the bad descriptions, I'm not very good at explaining movies unless I spoil them and I didn't wanna do that.

What are your opinions of my picks? Any you haven't seen?
