Thursday, April 29, 2010

blog award :)

I was tagged by the gorgeous Krissy who is one of my favourite bloggers! And such a great person, I'm so glad I made this blog because I made friends with her :)

I am supposed to list 7 random facts about myself and tag 7 other bloggers, so here goes.

1. I am constantly changing my hair colour. I have been probably every shade of blonde, black, every shade of brown you can think of, done the pink foils, purple foils, blue foils, red foils. I get bored with my hair very quickly. Expect me to be blonde again soon.

2. I live with my boyfriend Nick. It is our 4 year anniversary in September. And he said to me last year, that after our 5 year anniversary he is going to start seriously thinking about proposing. Aww.

3. I have a strange obsession with homewares. Don't judge me! I don't know why, but I could spend hours browsing homewares stores(Actually I have done that lol)

4. I'm very independent and I like/need my own space. I'm not one of those people that feels the need to only go places with my boyfriend. We both enjoy doing things together, but also like to do things seperately and with our own circle of friends.

5. I feel like I'm having a quarter life crisis lately. I have no idea what I want to do or where I want to go in life so I have just been sitting in limbo trying to figure it all out.

6. I have a friend named Louise and every time we catch up our conversations turn to sex for some reason haha it can get pretty hilarious, especially with a few too many vodka sunrises thrown in to the mix

7. I love my mother more than anyone or anything in this world.

The people I'm tagging are;Domestic Divinity
Perth Fashionista
Your Stalkers Little Sister
Sleeping With Seclusion
Charlotte Love
Beauty Has No Label
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Enjoy Ladies! Look forward to reading everyone else's 7 facts!

paige x

Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm pretty sick of spending over $60 on shampoo &conditioner every month or so. I currently use Matrix Biolage for dyed hair but I find that I have to use a lot of it. Especially conditioner. So I am thinking of using the shampoo and conditioner that you buy at priceline/supermarkets but I have no idea what's good and what's not. I've seen prices range from $2 to about $18. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is good and what is a no go?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm going to put it out there, I LOVE tattoos. I love cute little tattoos and huge intricite tattoos. There is no way in hell I would be able pull off anything like a sleeve, nor could I afford it or handle the pain. But I do have 4 tattoos and for some reason I am not a huge fan of telling people this(kind of a hipocritical blog post then, yes?) and I am not a fan of flashing them to random people or explaining them to random people. I'm not sure why but it just makes me uncomfortable. I love looking at others but I am not really a tattoo 'judger'. If I don't like someones tattoo, I'd obviously never tell them but even if I don't like it I can appreciate the amazing quality and effort put in. I don't really know what my point is, I think I'm just rambling.

Anyway, people always seem surprised when they discover I have a tattoo. They are even more suprised when they find out I have four. And of course, they want to see them. Mine are not huge or incredibly detailed and they don't make sense to other people. I have strategically placed them so that they are rarely visible to others because I strongly believe that a tattoo is something you should get for yourself and not something to just brag about. (I am not saying that a visible tattoo is there for bragging rights, I'm just saying I didn't make mine that visible because random peoples questions about them make me uncomfortable) I feel I'm being judged when I show people that I don't know my tattoos and I really hate that feeling.

I got my first tattoo done locally by someone who shall not be named and he royally fucked it. I mean it is UNFIXABLE. Which is crazy because I have seen some of the detailed work he has done and it is usually flawless! I am trying to save money to get it removed and then re done properly in the same spot. Because of this incident, there is only one tattooist I will let touch me and he recently moved about two hours away. I have had a new one on my brain for about a year now but I just cannot seem to find anything or think of anything I'm really in love with. I want a big one but I don't know if I'd look silly with it because I'm petite. I'd love a wrap around tattoo on my lower front/side/back but have no idea what I'd get.

Like I said, I don't know what the point of this post is. Just rambling my thoughts I think.

What are your thoughts on tattoos? Have you ever got one and been unhappy with it?

paige x

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I hate feeling rushed. You know that feeling, your heart beats faster and you just wish everything would hurry up! I have been feeling so rushed all day for absolutely no reason. I'm sitting her, drumming my fingers. My heart is beating super fast and I just have that feeling like I woke up 5 minutes before a job interview or something. I have no idea why. It's not caffiene, and I know I haven't forgotten anything and that I'm not late for anything. Today has been a lazy day so why the eff do I feel like this!? It is driving me absolutely crazy.

Sorry for the boring post. I'm hoping by writing this down, I might start to feel a bit more relaxed.

paige x

Saturday, April 10, 2010

forever flawless

I almost died when I saw this last week! I was super short on money and as much as it killed me, I put it back on the shelf and walked away. This week however, I had plenty to spare so I went back to see if there were any left and it looked like none had even been touched.

"Acclaimed make up artist Napoleon Perdis shares essential beauty secrets for women of all ages"
'With step-by-step instructions and advice, Forever Flawless explores all the beauty basics: from tools to skincare. From the vagaries of mascara application to nail care. From choosing the right lipstick to time-saving products that can be used in versatile ways. And it takes you through every decade to help you be flawless, no matter what your age. Crammed with all the tricks of the trade, this is the ultimate make-up guide'

I swear to god, this thing is like my bible and I've had it for all of two days! There are so many do's and don't's for make up and skin care application out there, that I never know which to believe or to go on because they are so condradictory of one another. But I definitely trust what Napoleon Perdis says, and he isn't just plugging his own products in his book(I mean, he does but that's not ALL it is) It actually tells you how to find your skin type and how to apply everything properly.

The pictures are super helpful aswell. In the sections on application there are actually photographs of a person with product sitting on their face so you know where to put it, it's not just words.

The photographs are gorgeous! I could seriously rave about this book all day.

I took a couple of pictures of the book...
I'd reccommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about all things beauty from an absolute genius!

paige x

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Does anybody know of ANYWHERE in the world where this lipstick is not sold out? I want it more than words can explain and I was too slow at getting it. The cheapest I've seen it for is on ebay for $60. Help meee!

paige x


I really want to try Soap & Glory products. I hear a lot of the UK blogs I follow rave about it, but it's not available in Australia. I've looked on the website and as far as I can see, they don't ship to Australia. Any suggestions on the best way to go about getting a hold of some?

paige x

Sunday, April 4, 2010

officially has a clean closet!

I FREAKING DID IT! It took all bloody day but I did it. So proud right now. I took advice from you guys and was very ruthless. I documented as I went so here goes...

This is the before. . .

The first thing I did was take out EVERYTHING. Took everything off their coathangers and made 4 piles; keep, maybe, sell/give away, throw out. I took out all the shoes aswell. I am astonished this many shoes managed to fit in my closet.

This isn't all my shoes, just the ones from my closet. Sadly about 90% of them don't fit me any more. Either my feet have shrunk or sizing in Australia has changed, because this time last year I was literally a size 7 and now I'm a 6. Most of these are size 7 and I never wear them obviously. So on to ebay with them when I can be bothered and time to re stock my shoe collection!

Empty. At this point I was overwhelmed and had to take a break hahaha there were clothes EVERYWHERE. Here are my piles of clothes.

The pile on the left on the floor is my keep pile, the middle pile is my maybes and the left is sell/give away.
After I made the piles, I went through the maybes and was very cut throat about what I wanted to keep.

This is my final keep pile

...And this is my sell/give away pile, or should I say trail lol. I had no idea where to put them so they're currently living in the box my vacuum came in lol sorting them out will be a job for tomorrow. I think I got rid of about half my wardrobe.

I organised everything as follows,(from left to right)pants, dresses, jackets, singlets, tshirts/blouses, 3/4 tops, vests/boleros etc. Everything is in a form of colour co-ordination. And I folded all the clothes I won't be wearing much this season and put them up on the top shelf.

And I finished! I'm not 100% done because I want to look into some of the storage ideas you guys gave me. I would have loved to go down to Target and have a good look but obviously nothing was open today. I don't intend on keeping my shoes at the bottom. I actually have a huge box I want to put all my scarves and belts in that I wanted to put down there. But those are all the shoes I decided to keep. So you can see why I need more lol. I also put all my clutches into a box on the top shelf, and all my gloves, berets etc into another, and all my stockings into another. My boyfriend now has a whole shelf to himself hahaha.

This may all have been a waste of time though as our lease is up in about 2 weeks I think, and if I can find somewhere nicer and not too expensive, I will NOT be staying here. Fingers crossed!

Thank you guys for all your ideas and input, defintiely helped me a lot!

paige x

halfway through the closet cleaning

Dearlorrrd, i have been cleaning out my closet since 8:30am this morning and it is now 3pm! I have taken a shower break, and a lunch break but christ! I did not realise it would take this long! I'm on the home stretch now, just organising everything. I'm so over it but it will be done by 5pm! I will do a post with pictures and information when I get back from easter dinner at my parents house.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

paige x

Saturday, April 3, 2010

my messy closet

I need to make my closet look something like this. Neat, tidy, co-ordinated, ORGANISED. My closet is such a mess at the moment that I literally forget about clothes, shoes and accessories that I have because I never see them to think about wearing them.

I only have a very small closet and like I said in my last post, I'm considering turning our spare room into my make up room/ clothes room. May be a bit difficult though as there is a pool table in our spare room and I know my boyfriend will not part with that. The simple fact is; I NEED MORE STORAGE SPACE.

I saw a couple of bigger houses for rent today that I'm very interested in and the lease on this shit hole runs up next month so I will be applying for them and praying I get them. One even has a backyard! That would make me so so happy!

I decided to put up a picture of my closet as it is at the moment and I will be cleaning it out tomorrow and will post an 'after' picture tomorrow night. Wish me luck, it's going to be a loong day tomorrow :)

This is my closets current state. It's hard to find anything, there's no order. My shoes have started to line my walls because there's nowhere to put them. As you can see, I do not share with my boyfriend. He has a tallboy. The only thing of his hanging in the closet is a suit or two lol.

If anyone has any suggestions on a good method of cleaning out/re organising, please let me know.

How do you organise your closet? By colour, by garment type? In no particular order?

paige x

Friday, April 2, 2010

updated wishlist

This is just a blog of a few things I've been lusting after lately. Most of these things are very unlikely but anyways, here goes...
I have been wanting a pair of nude heels for a long, long time. I cannot find a pair of them anywhereee. But I will keep searching. Anyone have any ideas of where I can get a pair?
I'm in love with this top and absolutely kicking myself for not buying one when I went to GaGa!
IN LOVE with these. Must have for my winter wardrobe.
I really want one of these illuminating double sided mirrors, but to be honest I don't really have anywhere to keep one.
Love this. It's so beautiful. Very expensive and yet again. Nowhere to put it again, and I know I won't get it, but I want it!
I have always wanted a birdcage umbrella and this one actually has a birdcage design on it! I can't find any except on ebay and they're around $50 and it doesn't rain enough here for me to spend that much on something I will barely use but how pretty is it!
I've read a lot about this primer and it is supposed to be fantastic for minimising pores which would be good for me as my cheek pores are quite large. I will definitely be buying this soon.
Heartbeat headphones; These are absolutely gorgeous, way prettier than the ugly ipod headphones and they're tangle proof which is something that defintiely appeals to me. You can also buy a version that has volume control and song skipping on the actual headphones so you don't have to fish around your bag for your ipod which is such a good idea. Props to GaGa for designing/inventing these! Definitely something I will be purchasing when I have a spare $160.
I need something like this to store my earrings, necklaces and braclet/bangles. Currently my earrings are hanging on a vase and they always fall off. My necklaces are hanging up on some stick on hooks in my closet and always get tangled and my braclet/bangles live in a cute little basket but it's so inconvenient. No clue where to buy these things though.
Law & Order SVU is my favourite show in THE WORLD. I have the first 9 seasons on dvd and I really want/need season 10. No idea why I haven't bought it yet but it's on my list.
I would love somewhere like this to store my masses of magazines. As I mentioned earlier, I like to keep all my magazines and I am running out of space to keep them. I don't have the space or the means to create something like this but god I love it!
This is one of the most unlikelies on my list. A backyard. I did not realise how much I would miss having a backyard when I moved out of home. I've said before, but I live in a little flat and the extent of the backyard is literally like one square metre of concrete. I miss the feeling of grass under my barefeet, and just sitting outside with a book and a coffee. One of the reasons I wanna move into a new place this year is so I can have a place with some friggen grass!
I would DIE for a closet like this. My closet is just one of those with a double door, hanging space and 2 shelves. The cupboard is actually overflowing with clothes and shoes. I use the cupboard in the spare room to hang all my belts, hats and bags and that's full too. I need to clean out my closet but even then, it will still be overflowing. I have always, always wanted a walk in robe and an ensuite. Hopefully one day :)
I have been searching for some kind of really large dvd storage for ages. Most things are too small or just the wrong size. Something like this would be perfect as my boyfriend and I have over 400 dvds and nowhere to keep them. Makes finding something to watch a pain in the ass.
I love this vanity. Most vanitys I find are the vintage ones and I really prefer more modern furniture. I've been considering turning our spare room into a make-up room and this would go perfect in there. It's just a matter of fidning somewhere to buy it as this was just on some random google site with no infromation.

And that is my wishlsit part 2. Hope you all enjoyed my (far fetched) lust items =)

paige x